Our Vision for Verde Peak

What is the endstate of all this? Something more than profit. This is a way of life, and it’s the life we intend to build.

Chris Cottrell
Our Vision for Verde Peak

Verde Peak Partners is a team of Arizona veterans in pursuit of the American Dream—leading a business with a cherished legacy in our home state, raising our families where we’ve put down roots, and living within a community that values honesty, honor, grit, and virtue.

This is a modest attempt to say why we began Verde Peak Partners and what we intend to do through it. We want to speak with humility and without jargon. We offer this with the clear eyes of those who start down a path without seeing precisely where it leads. We expect that hard work and a nice bit of headache awaits.

Others perhaps have firmer views than we do, with more ground beneath their feet and more evidence marshaled at their sides. All the same, if our convictions are tentative, they are still enough to begin.

The Verde Peak name pays tribute to our Arizona roots.

  • “Verde” echoes the name of one of Arizona’s best-known valleys (the Verde Valley, home to Sedona) as well as the name of the state tree (the palo verde), which covers the Sonoran Desert with the green hue.
  • “Peak” tips our hat to Arizona’s mountain ranges. Hiking these is one of our top summer pastimes.

Like many veterans, the unique culture of the American Armed Forces shaped our backgrounds, our habits, our lifestyle, and our perspectives. We plan to bring the best parts of that culture into our company.

  • At its best, this is a culture that gives each member both autonomy and responsibility. It empowers each member of the team, even as it holds them accountable to a high standard. It’s a “we-first” mentality that puts the mission and the team first.
  • What’s most unique is also what’s most rare outside the military: competition does not proceed along narrowly self-interested channels. Instead, all members of the tribe are competing for the title of Best Teammate.
  • It specifies a mission, a purpose, and an intent, while leaving the details of execution up to the operator.
  • It expects flexibility and adaptability in the face of uncertain and quickly changing situations.
  • It expects leadership from all members of the team. No freeriding.
  • This kind of culture sets challenges and attacks them together, as a unified and cohesive team.
  • The spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose animates every member of the team.
  • The right kind of ambition is not the narrow pursuit of personal career goals. Instead, it is the broad ambition to advance by uncommon means a cause greater than yourself.

We have experienced this kind of culture firsthand, and we aim to create it again. There are three implications to this goal:

  1. We intend to empower our team—not just ourselves—to live the dream of building a good life. We want them to be more than cogs in a machine. We want them to seek the joy of responsibility—as we do.
  2. We intend to ride together with those we lead, those we serve, and those we stand alongside. We want to chase peak performance within an elite team. We aim to lead by example and uphold a code of honor together.
  3. Finally, and most importantly, we intend to build a legacy that goes beyond ourselves.

What is the endstate of all this? Something more than profit. This is a way of life, and it’s the life we intend to build.

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